
and other random shenanigans.

Archive for the tag “dogs”

Sunday Funday!- PIC UPDATE

I told you guys I would post pictures of the dogs at the lake when Chris and Judy sent them to me so here’s the link…

Smashed Photos

You should check them out!  I’m so happy with the way they turned out!  My favorite is the one of Tater catching frogs… that pretty much sums her up perfectly.  She is down at the lake all day long trying to catch frogs or dragonflies.  Also love the one of Sage and Sydney swimming beside each other.  They had such a good time that day. Can’t wait for more summer doggy adventures!

Chris and Judy did such a great job… be sure to check out all of their awesome photographs and order lots!   Which picture is your favorite??

Sunday Funday!

Today was a full on blast!  I had my friend Marley over and a couple of her friends to my lake.  The couple are photographers who love to take pictures of dogs.  Marley brought her Golden Retriever Sydney over to swim with my Black Lab/Golden mix Sage and Yellow Lab Tater.  I live on about 40 acres and right next to a small private lake so the dogs had plenty of room to run around and swim.

We ended up taking my boat over to the dock that is on my neighbors’ side of the lake.  Our plan was to try and get awesome pictures of the dogs launching off the dock after sticks.  Launching mostly turned into jumping or falling off the side, but we gave it our best effort.  My dog Sage could easily be the female Michael Phelps of the dog world (minus the weed scandal).  Tater is older and would rather spend her time catching frogs or dragonflies.  Sydney was still getting her sea legs but was really getting it down.   I really hope they got some good pictures.  I’ll post them if they did.

To top of the doggy themed day, I took Sage over to Marley’s house for dinner and to go to the city dog park.  Backstory on Sage… she’s about one and a half years old and up until tonight was what me and my family would refer to as a crazy dog.  I’m talkin’ bat shit crazy, hyper, nonstop running, Marley & Me dog.  (Not to be confused with my friend Marley.  I’m talking the book/movie Marley & Me.)  When we got to the dog park, she was a completely sane dog.

I was confused and slightly worried I had accidentally switched my crazy dog with another calmer, more obedient pup.  She mostly stayed next to me or would find someone to sit beside and give the sweet eyes, pet me look to.   “Oh your dog is so sweet!  She’s so well behaved”  people would say.  My mind was blown.  I was so proud of her!  Her first trip to the city and it went surprisingly well!  I had already planned out my “I’m so sorry about my crazy dog” speech.  Didn’t even have to use it.  What a success!

Sage and Sydney after a long tiring day. Sage usually needs industrial strength lights to make out her facial features. Living room lights weren’t cutting it, but they look so cute!

Marley’s parents made some pretty awesome lasagna and delicious whipped cream chocolate wafer cookie cake too.  Recipe to come!  I apologize if this post is a bit disheveled.  It was a very exhausting day.  I’m ready to hit the sack and start the week!  How was your weekend?  Do anything fun?!  Comment down below and let me know what fun things you did or fun stories about your dogs!  Have a good week friends 🙂

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